Summer 2024 Newsletter

Summer Buzz

The Westside Lofts Summer Edition

Hello, Westside Lofts community! We hope you’ve all had a fantastic summer, soaking up the sun and making the most of the season. While you’ve been enjoying the warm days, your condo board has been hard at work behind the scenes, laying the groundwork for some exciting transformations around the property. We’re on a mission to revive our building and grounds, creating a space that truly reflects our collective unity and pride. So, grab a seat, put your feet up, and pour yourself your favourite beverage—it’s time to hear all about what we’ve been up to over the past few months.

Alright, let’s get the serious stuff out of the way first—because, believe it or not, it’s pretty exciting.

Our Investment Philosophy

At Westside Lofts, we’re focused on making smart, impactful decisions that keep our community thriving today and into the future. We’re actively putting our resources to work to enhance the place we all call home.

We view Westside Lofts as the sum of all its parts—the building structure, pathways, gardens, parking lot, garbage enclosure, and beyond. Whether you’re overlooking our lush grounds from your balcony or strolling through our well-maintained pathways, a neat, tidy, and inviting appearance isn’t just a bonus; it’s essential to our overall curb appeal and the value of our property. When we neglect one aspect, it shows and when it comes time to sell, buyers are paying attention to every detail .

Unlike owning a house, where the responsibility (and cost) of upkeep falls squarely on your shoulders, our collective financial contributions work together to keep every corner of our community in top shape. This not only enhances our day-to-day living experience but also ensures that when the time comes to sell, we’re all in the best possible position to achieve maximum gains.

Our monthly operating fund has faced challenges over the past several years – condo fees have not adequately increased and costs have risen. As a result, the general maintenance of our property has suffered. All maintenance contracts, garden and building tools, and machinery are considered operating costs. We can’t afford to neglect these items because a condo building requires these resources to function efficiently—especially given the age of our building.

Once a portion of our condo fees are allocated to the reserve fund, they are irretrievable for day-to-day operations. That’s why finding the right balance between the two funds is crucial. We need to plan for major building expenditures, like new boilers, while also maintaining the operational side of things to avoid needing replacements more often than necessary. Our reserve fund study guides the planning for major and long-term expenses.

As a not-for-profit organization, we’re committed to investing in the well-being and quality of life of everyone here. From upgrading common areas to keeping our facilities top-notch, we’re making sure every dollar is spent wisely to create a vibrant and welcoming environment.

Anticipated Condo Fee Increase for Next Year

As we look ahead to next year, it is likely that a condo fee increase will be necessary to align with the rising costs of maintaining our building. While we understand that no one looks forward to fee increases, we must better balance our operating needs with our costs. Once we have our new reserve fund study information, and as we stabilize what our monthly costs are, we will share what we expect the increase to be and details on what your monthly contributions go toward.

Reinstatement of Essential Services

We are pleased to announce that all essential services are being reinstated, reflecting our commitment to maintaining the highest standards for our community. These services are crucial in preserving the quality, safety, and longevity of our property. Your understanding and commitment to these efforts play a vital role in maintaining the quality of our shared living space, and we appreciate your continued cooperation.

Our yearly maintenance services will now include the following:

  1. Pest Control: Our service provider will conduct annual inspections and treatments to prevent infestations of common pests such as ants, and wasps, which we have problems with currently.
  2. Gutter Cleaning: Our contractor will clear gutters and downspouts to prevent blockages that can lead to water damage. Proper gutter maintenance is vital to protect the building’s foundation and prevent leaks.
  3. HVAC Inspections and Servicing: Fountainhead, our trusted contractor, will perform comprehensive checks on our heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems to ensure they operate efficiently and address any potential issues before they become significant problems. This includes checking filters, ducts, and overall system performance.
  4. Exterior Window Cleaning: Starting next spring, we will resume annual window cleaning to ensure all units have clear views and a clean exterior. Regular window cleaning not only improves aesthetics but also extends the lifespan of the windows by preventing the buildup of harmful substances.
  5. Façade and Roof Inspections: This will involve thorough inspections and maintenance of the building’s facade, waterproofing systems, and roof. This combined effort is essential for identifying and repairing cracks, loose materials, potential leaks, or structural damage. These measures are crucial for protecting the building’s structure from water infiltration, preventing costly damage, and ensuring the overall safety and appearance of the property.
  6. Fire Alarm and Sprinkler System Checks: Ensuring that our fire safety systems are fully operational is a top priority. These annual checks will ensure that all alarms, sprinklers, and other fire safety devices are functioning correctly, providing essential protection for residents.
  7. Parking Lot Maintenance and Line Painting: To maintain organization and safety in our parking areas, we will repaint parking lot lines, ensuring clear demarcations for parking spaces, walkways, and traffic flow as well as maintain the garbage enclosure.
  8. Carpet and Flooring Cleaning: This will be a deep clean of common area carpets and other flooring to maintain a clean, welcoming environment and prolong the life of these surfaces.
  9. Lighting Inspections: Regular checks and replacements of bulbs in common areas, including emergency lighting, will be conducted to ensure proper illumination and safety throughout the property.
  10. Landscaping: Our landscaping services will ensure that the outdoor areas are well-maintained, enhancing the overall aesthetics of our community and providing pleasant spaces for residents to enjoy.

You might have spotted some new blooms in the garden or seen the landscapers busy at work—but that’s just the start – we’ve been rolling out some exciting projects that are enhancing our property’s curb appeal. From upgrading our shared spaces to introducing new amenities, we’re all about making our community not just a place to live, but a place to love.

Welcome to Your VIP Hub: The All-New Westside Lofts Website!

If you’re reading this, then you already know about our brand-new, shiny website. But that’s just the beginning. As time goes on, we’ll be adding additional features and information to make it even better. And don’t worry about missing out on anything—we’ll always shoot you an email to keep you in the loop about any new additions.

Consider it your VIP access to all things WSL, where you’ll find everything from the latest newsletters and detailed bylaws to board meeting minutes and—drumroll, please—the shiny new resident handbook, it’s all just a click away.

Our user-friendly site is designed to keep you informed and connected with our vibrant community. Explore all the resources and stay up-to-date with the latest happenings at Westside Lofts. Keep an eye on your inbox, and get ready to dive into our ultra-exclusive online hub.

Advantages of our new website:

  • Centralized Information: Easily access all important documents, announcements, and updates in one place.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Navigate effortlessly through a well-organized and intuitive layout.
  • Real-Time Updates: Stay informed with the latest news and changes as soon as they happen.
  • Interactive Features: Engage with community polls, event registrations, and more directly through the site.
  • Convenient Access: Available 24/7 from any device, ensuring you’re always connected to WSL.

Happy browsing.

Unveiling the Ultimate Guide: Our New Resident Handbook!

Get ready to dive into the ultimate guide to condo living with our brand-new resident handbook. This essential companion is packed with everything you need to know to make the most of your Westside Lofts experience. Whether you’re just moving in or have been with us for years, this handbook is your one-stop resource for navigating condo life with ease and style. Visit the Resident Handbook.

Inside, you’ll find information designed to make your life here as smooth and enjoyable as possible. From handy tips on settling in and making your loft feel like home to detailed guidelines on community living, we’ve got you covered. Want to know the ins and outs of our building amenities? Curious about maintenance protocols or how to handle emergencies? It’s all in there, laid out in a way that’s easy to follow and packed with useful insights.

But that’s not all—our resident handbook also highlights the fun side of condo living. With sections on upcoming community events and helpful reminders, you’ll always be in the know about what’s happening at Westside Lofts. It’s not just a rulebook; it’s your guide to fully embracing and enjoying our vibrant community.

And here’s an important reminder for all owners: Make sure your current and future tenants have a copy of this handbook. It’s crucial for helping them navigate condo life successfully and ensuring they’re well-informed about their responsibilities and the many perks of living here.

So, whether you’re a seasoned owner or a first-time renter, grab your copy of the resident handbook and start exploring everything Westside Lofts has to offer.

Behind the scenes: Maintenance Agreement with Fountainhead Mechanical

We’re thrilled to announce our new maintenance agreement with Fountainhead Mechanical, kicking off this September.

Fountainhead Mechanical are our go-to superheroes when it comes to all things heating and cooling. These pros have been behind the scenes keeping our systems running smoothly for years. However, while they’ve been on call for a while, we’ve never had a formal maintenance agreement in place—oops! This means our trusty equipment is now in dire need of some much-deserved TLC in the form of regular maintenance.

With our building clocking in at a seasoned 40 years old, it’s crucial to keep our HVAC and plumbing systems in tip-top shape. This maintenance program means regular check-ups and timely repairs, ensuring everything runs smoothly and efficiently. Benefits include improved energy efficiency, reduced risk of unexpected breakdowns, extended lifespan of our equipment, and overall peace of mind.

Sounding the Alarm: A Big Thanks for Your Cooperation

A huge shoutout to all our residents for your fantastic cooperation during our annual fire safety testing. Unfortunately, the results have set off our own internal alarm bells, revealing that our current building sprinkler system falls short of Alberta’s fire safety codes.

When it comes to fire safety in Alberta’s condo buildings, the code is clear—safety first. Alberta’s fire safety code is designed to keep us all protected, ensuring that our building is up to snuff with the latest fire prevention measures. This means everything from smoke detectors and fire alarms that are ready to sound the alarm at the first hint of trouble, to fire extinguishers and sprinkler systems that are primed for action. But it’s not just about the gadgets—proper maintenance, clear escape routes, and regular fire drills are all part of the plan to keep us safe and sound. So, while we might love living life on the edge, when it comes to fire safety, it’s all about being cool, calm, and code-compliant.

The next step is a thorough inspection by a qualified engineer to determine the scope and cost of the necessary upgrades. In the coming weeks, we’ll be reaching out once again to arrange access to all units for this critical assessment.

Brightening Up: New LED Security Lights to be Installed

Soon, brand-new LED security lights will be installed around our premises. These brilliant additions will not only amp up our nighttime security, making our home a safer place to be, but they also reduce the chances of anyone taking an accidental tumble. Say goodbye to shadowy corners and hello to a well-lit, secure environment.

Additionally, we’re replacing the electrical covers on our car plug-ins to ensure everything is in top shape for the colder months ahead.

Garden Stair Project: A Tale of Wood, Wasp Nests, and Victory

Thank you all for your incredible patience during our garden stair project. It’s been quite the adventure. Initially, our wooden stairs were replaced by a contractor who, unfortunately, lacked the conscientious touch we originally sought and were assured of.

As a result of the poor workmanship, and thankfully at no cost to us, we quickly realized that the wood stairs were just not up to the quality we had hoped for. So, we made the decision to switch to concrete—opting for a solution that will stand the test of time. Safety and longevity were the main factors in this choice.

The concrete solution and process have been smooth sailing (with a bit of noise—sorry about that!), thanks to Chris, Tito, and the Concrete Innovations crew. We appreciate their exceptional work and pleasant demeanour. The gateways to our garden’s transformation are almost complete, and we couldn’t have done it without your support and understanding.

Unfortunately, the east side of our building (roadside), with its penchant for moisture due to less sunlight, revealed hidden wood rot and wasp nests once we rejuvenated our hedges. To ensure everyone’s safety, we’ll be replacing a few wood beams that have the worst rot and pose a safety hazard until our budget permits us to do a full renovation on the garden beds in the coming years. Photos of the disrepair show just how much work lies ahead.

Thank you for being such fantastic neighbours and partners in this journey.

Potholes Be Gone: Our Smooth Ride Celebration

Great news, everyone—our potholes are gone. After countless emails and calls to our neighbours managed by Boardwalk, the Boardwalk maintenance team finally filled the craters a few weeks back that made our parking lot look like the surface of the moon. Meanwhile, the City of Calgary swooped in to tackle the roadside issues.

Thanks to everyone’s persistence and patience, our little corner of the city is now a lot easier on the suspension.

Cheers to smoother drives ahead.

Déjà Vu: Water Woes Return. Buckle Up for Round Two of Stage 4 Restrictions

Just as we thought we were in the clear, here we go again—Stage 4 water restrictions are back starting August 28! The culprit? Not just the lingering effects of a dry summer, but also urgent repairs needed on the South Bearspaw Feeder Main, a key pipeline that requires a complete shutdown for work through the end of September. While it’s not quite the emergency we faced in June, the City of Calgary is asking all of us to pitch in by limiting our water use—three-minute showers, skipping flushes when possible, and only running full loads of laundry and dishes.

But don’t worry—we’ve got this. Expect to see garden ninjas sneaking around the gardens at all hours, distributing dish and bath water to keep our plants hydrated, just as we did back in June and July.

Dry June and July: A Garden Survival Story

Picture this: our newly rejuvenated gardens, brimming with potential, suddenly facing Stage 4 water restrictions in the scorching months of June and July. Panic? Absolutely! But we didn’t just survive; we thrived, thanks to an all-hands-on-deck approach. Volunteers rallied, hand-watering with leftover household water, installing makeshift rainwater barrels and meticulously pruning our precious plants. In the aftermath, we have installed a soaker hose system on the west side, ensuring those thirsty roots get their fill, while the east side receives tender hand-watering care.

As if the drought wasn’t enough, we also fended off an aphid infestation that swarmed all of Calgary with organic sprays and a lot of determination. Ahh, aphids—those tiny little sap-suckers that seem to appear out of nowhere and make themselves at home on our favourite plants. So, what’s the deal with these little garden invaders? Well, aphids are drawn to plants that are lush, juicy, and full of nutrients, particularly those that are new or have tender growth. They’re like kids in a candy store when it comes to soft, green leaves and fresh buds. Plus, aphids have a sweet tooth—they’re also attracted to plants that are rich in sugars, which they can’t resist slurping up like it’s an all-you-can-eat buffet.

And let’s not forget their partners in crime—ants. Ants love the honeydew that aphids produce, so they often protect and even move aphids around to their favourite plants, making the infestation even worse. In short, aphids are like party crashers who just can’t resist the best spots in the garden.

Also on our green agenda, we’re excited to announce that we have just planted Blanc de Courbet roses at the lobby entrance, replacing a few casualties due to years of neglect and giving it a fresh, floral facelift.

Get ready to be greeted in style, because Blanc de Courbet roses are about to make our building entrance more beautiful than ever! These magnificent roses, with their creamy white petals and subtle, sophisticated fragrance, bring an air of elegance and refinement to our entrance. Not only do they add a timeless beauty, but they also evoke a sense of peace and grace that perfectly complements our vibrant community.

And let’s not forget our weekend warriors, who have been busy pruning away long-hanging dead branches, making our trees look tip-top. This fall, we plan to call in the pros to tackle those pesky high branches we are unable to reach.

A big cheers to all our green-thumbed heroes and the blooming future ahead. Our gardens have weathered the drought and emerged more fabulous than ever.

Westside Lofts’ Tree Triumph: A Greenery Celebration

We’re over the moon to announce that Westside Lofts scored a free tree, courtesy of our winning entry in the City of Calgary’s “Branching Out” initiative back in May.

This initiative is a green project focused on enhancing the urban forest by planting more trees in neighbourhoods, parks, and public spaces. It aims to create a healthier environment and a more beautiful city, reflecting Calgary’s commitment to sustainability and livability.

Despite tight water restrictions delaying our pickup by two whole months, the City’s team heroically kept our tree alive through the drought. When we finally fetched our Spring Snow Crabapple, the depot line was a mile long, but hey, who can complain when you’re getting free greenery?

Our board rolled up their sleeves over the August long weekend to plant our leafy new friend on the east side. Say hello to “Snowy,” who’s staying hydrated 24/7 with her slow-release water balloon. Planting in mid-summer isn’t ideal, but we’re working hard to keep Snowy thriving and growing.

With fingers tightly crossed, we’re hoping to see beautiful white blossoms next spring. Spring Snow Crabapples can grow up to 20 feet tall, bringing beauty and shade to our little slice of the sky. Stay tuned for updates on Snowy’s journey.

With our winning streak in full swing, we’re excited to announce that we’ll be entering again next year.

Seasonal Shift: From Gardens to Gleaming Interiors

Time for us to switch gears and bring that same level of care and attention that we’ve brought outside indoors.

Our lobby, the heart of our building, is getting the star treatment it deserves. We’re talking about more than just a quick sweep and mop. Those pesky scuff marks on the walls? Consider them history. We’re upping our game with more stringent cleaning practices to keep our lobby looking spotless and welcoming, no matter what the weather is doing outside. And that’s not all—as soon as the budget permits, we’ll be rolling up our sleeves to give those carpets a thorough cleaning and refreshing the walls with a fresh coat of paint.

So, while the gardens rest and recharge for next year, our interiors will be shining bright, ready to welcome you home in style. It’s all part of our commitment to keeping Westside Lofts not just a place to live, but a place to love.

New Lobby Bench has arrived

We asked you in our previous newsletter, what changes you would like to see, and the majority have spoken. Finally, you have a stylish spot to take a load off your feet. Our new sleek and modern bench aligns perfectly with our building’s vibe.

As the weather cools each year, our warm lobby tends to attract unhoused people, especially with the appeal of a comfy couch. That’s why we’ve decided to go for a firmer, less inviting option that can be easily wiped down if someone manages to bypass our security.

To keep our lobby safe , we’re also tightening up the closing mechanism on the entry door. This will ensure it closes harder and more swiftly, preventing intruders from sneaking in. If the door doesn’t “slam” shut, it might not latch properly. Please always check that the door has completely closed behind you, especially late at night. Listen for that reassuring click—it means we’re all safe and sound.

Monstera Magic in the Lobby

Our resident Monstera plants in the lobby have been with us through thick and thin, adding a touch of lush, tropical charm to our shared space. However, they were starting to show signs of needing a little extra TLC. We noticed that our beloved green giants were leaning a bit too far for comfort, looking more like exhausted dancers at the end of a long performance than the proud, upright plants they once were.

We’ve provided them with new stakes, fresh soil, and a little bit of encouragement—okay, maybe a few pep talks, too—so they can spread their leaves and thrive like never before.

The result? Our lobby now feels like it’s right out of a tropical paradise, with the Monsteras standing proudly, ready to greet each and every one of you with their revitalized, vibrant greenery. So next time you pass through, take a moment to appreciate these resilient beauties—they’re thriving, thanks to a little love and a lot of care.

A Friendly Reminder: Please Don’t Water Us!

Now, we know you’re all about that green thumb life, but our Monsteras are on a very strict diet, and our plant parent has the watering schedule down to a science. So, as much as they appreciate your good intentions, please resist the urge to give them an extra sip! Too much love (in the form of water) can leave them feeling a little bloated and out of sorts, and we all want to avoid a soggy situation. Let’s keep these beauties looking fabulous by leaving the watering to the experts—trust us, they’re in good hands!

Step Right Up: New Welcome Mats Are on the Way

Adding to our lobby rejuvenation, get ready for a fabulous upgrade. As part of our overall redesign, we’ve invested in a maintenance agreement with Ace Mats, who will provide us with top-of-the-line, all-weather, anti-slip, high-traffic mats for our vestibule and lobby areas. These mats will be replaced every 2-4 weeks, depending on the season, to ensure that our entrance remains safer, cleaner, and more welcoming year-round.

The benefits of this arrangement are plenty. With regularly refreshed mats, we can say goodbye to the usual wear and tear that often leads to curling edges and potential tripping hazards. This not only enhances safety for everyone entering the building but also keeps our lobby looking immaculate and professional at all times. Plus, with Ace Mats taking care of the regular cleaning and replacement, we can maintain a hygienic environment, free from the buildup of dirt and germs.

Rolling Out the Welcome Mat: Fine-Tuning the New Resident Experience

We’ve made it our mission to perfect the art of welcoming new residents to our beloved community, ensuring they have all the information they need.

I can still remember when I moved in 18 years ago—my floor’s residents greeted me with open arms, a tour of their apartments, and even a welcome drink or two. WSL was practically our own little version of Melrose Place, if you’re old enough to remember that gem of a TV show. We threw resident get-togethers, and the annual building Christmas party was a highlight for everyone. But I know times have changed, and nowadays, with the endless scroll of social media, streaming galore, and the aftermath of good ol’ Covid, many folks prefer a quieter, more private life. And that’s perfectly fine—no arm-twisting here!

My ask is that we continue to be the welcoming community we’re known for and make the newbie experience at WSL truly memorable. If you see a new resident, ask them how they are settling in.

You may have noticed that new owners receive a delightful surprise of balloons and a personalized welcome note on their door—and guess what? We’re now extending that warm gesture to our renters too! Plus, newbies now receive a digital copy of the resident handbook to ensure they don’t get lost along the way.

In this edition, let’s roll out the welcome mat with gusto as we greet our newest residents. A big, enthusiastic WSL family welcome to Brodie, Bernie, May, John, Hannah, and Stephanie. We’re absolutely thrilled to have you join our vibrant community. Whether you’re an owner or a renter, you’re now part of the family, and we can’t wait to get to know you. Here’s to new friendships, fun times, and making WSL an even better place to call home.

Join Us for Our Open House on September 11 at 7pm

Come one, come all! It’s been a bustling six months at Westside Lofts, and we’ve got so much to share with you. From exciting updates on our latest projects to a sneak peek at the plans we have in store for the future, this event is your all-access pass to everything happening in our vibrant community. Have questions? Don’t be shy—we’re here to help and eager to hear your thoughts.

But that’s not all—our friends from BFL Canada, our building insurers, will be joining us to provide valuable insights into our responsibilities as owners and residents. Whether you’re curious about insurance coverage, safety protocols, or just want to know how we’re working to keep Westside Lofts the best place to live, they’ve got you covered.

This open house isn’t just about information—it’s about building community spirit. It’s the perfect opportunity to meet your neighbours, make new friends, and enjoy a relaxed, friendly atmosphere. We’ll provide some tasty nibbles to keep you fuelled, and feel free to bring your favourite drink to toast to our shared successes and future plans.

And here’s the best part: we’ll be sending out an official invite in the next week, so stay alert, my friends. Mark your calendars, because you won’t want to miss this. See you there!

Volunteer of the Month: Jill 🌟

If you’ve noticed the garden blooming more beautifully than ever, you can thank Jill for that magical touch. Not only does she keep her own garden looking like something straight out of a magazine, but she also rolled up her sleeves and got to work on the large corner garden next door.

Jill didn’t just do a little sprucing up—she transformed it! With her time, effort, and green thumb, she weeded, tidied, and brought that corner garden to life, making it a stunning sight for all of us to enjoy. The garden has never looked better, and we owe it all to Jill’s hard work and dedication.

But Jill’s contributions don’t stop there. She also picks up debris and litter that accumulates around our perimeter on a regular basis, ensuring that our surroundings are always clean and inviting.

Jill, your generosity and love for our community shine through in everything you do. Thank you for making Westside Lofts an even more beautiful place to call home. We truly appreciate you! 🌻

Westside dwellers, we are always looking for volunteers to help with various jobs around the building, both inside and out. If you’re interested in lending a hand, please shoot us an email, and we’ll gladly put you to work.

Neighbourhood Watch: Charlie’s Purr-imeter Patrol

This adventurous tabby takes his role as the neighbourhood watch very seriously, diligently patrolling our community’s perimeter to keep us all safe. Not only does Charlie provide security, but he also serves as an honorary supervisor, often seen following board members around the property with keen interest. He has just been officially appointed as assistant to Jodi, our exterior services Project Manager. Look out for him attending to our gardens on leash on a weekly basis.

When he’s not on duty, Charlie enjoys rolling in the dirt and chasing grasshoppers, bringing a sense of fun and lightheartedness to our day. His spirited antics and charming presence make him a beloved figure in our community, and we can’t help but smile when we see him on his rounds.

Keep an eye out for Charlie as he explores our community, and don’t hesitate to say hello and share a scratch behind the ears.